Structuring Build to Support
Your objectives

FLUIDIZE support
Secure the adoption of change over time
Rationalize change management efforts
PILOT performance
Win over users
Our approach
The Seequalis methodology is based on 4 key stages that can be adjusted according to your objectives. It combines our mastery of user support with our expertise in change management and Knowledge Management.
Project mapping (change impact matrix and players involved)
At this stage, we draw up a support strategy tailored to your challenges, based on a shared vision of your future target.
Producing the recommendations file
We detail the project plan from the angle of change management (training, communication, and processes), integrating it from the outset with Knowledge Management (organization/content/tools) and the organization of the support chain (mapping, sizing and steering).
Deploying the project plan
This third stage consists in setting up an organization with your teams (IT and Business Departments) and your partners (Support, Outsourcer, Integrators) to sustainably support the change with your targets.
Measuring effectiveness
This final stage enables you to measure the adoption of the change through concrete, actionable indicators, as well as user feedback to adjust the action plan and feed the evolution roadmap.