Defining the user services master plan
Your objectives

IMPROVE the performance of the support chain
Identify and deal with dysfunctions and evolution needs in the support chain to meet the objectives set with the Business.
Carry out a structural TRANSFORMATION
Lead the service transformation project (process review, organizational adaptation, team training and change management, definition of KPIs).
SUCCESSFUL outsourcing
Establish boundaries of responsibility, steering and collaboration processes with your external partners.
Our approach
The Seequalis methodology is based on 4 key stages that can be adjusted according to your objectives. It combines our expertise in project management, impact analysis and continuous improvement.
Understanding your context, your challenges, your organization, take stock of the situation
This step enables us to identify the context and the current situation. It enables us to highlight existing strengths and identify improvements to be addressed, while taking into account your reality and your specificities in a systemic way.
Determining the gap between target vision and current situation, then making recommendations
This stage identifies the key gaps to be addressed and proposes the necessary changes and transformations. This step also enables us to identify the immediate, quick-win actions that can be implemented.
Proposing a roadmap with short-, medium- and long-term improvement elements.
The recommendations are then sequenced in a roadmap that includes the complexity, risks, and costs to confirm the schedule for reaching the target and the necessary players.
Setting up a virtuous circle of continuous improvement
In addition to making recommendations, we support the implementation of this roadmap by providing monitoring and performance reports, and orchestrating the process on a day-to-day basis, integrating continuous improvement reflexes.