Business Case 13 December 2021

Manage Social Media activity​

Market leader in electronics and IT products, our client is present in 80 countries with 309,000 employees and sales revenues of 207 billion euros.​

The challenges ahead

  • Monitoring the sharp rise in flows on social networks, with a multiplication of interactions
  • Defining the digital strategy and tools required for assistance to respond better and faster to our customers
  • Training agents in the new Sprinklr management tool, including multi-channel customer tracking
  • Managing the transfer of skills and quality when moving to a new branch

Our approach

1. Definition of a suitable, easily identifiable persona

2. Implementation of new tools

3. Distribution of tasks and missions

4. Set up clear processes for Social and Community activities around a common tool: Sprinklr

5. Animation of the community

6. Performance monitoring

Les principaux résultats

Creation of a brand identity when interacting with customers, to humanize the digital relationship (~100,000 messages received per year).

10 agents work together to respond to customers to increase productivity and reduce response time (from 5 hours to 24 hours) and LTA (from 10 to 15 minutes).

Implementation and appropriation of Sprinklr for day-to-day business management

Secure agency changeover with 5k messages resorbed in less than a month thanks to an efficient process

Tripling of monthly content production to meet customer and support expectations

Une question ? Un projet ?


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