Manage your critical incidents

Your objectives

REDUCE the impact

Improve your crisis organization to limit business impact

AUTOMATE the process

Manage the incident lifecycle from detection to post-incident review, integrating collaborative and multi-channel solutions

CAREFUL communication

Reinforce communication with business units to involve them in impact reduction.

Our approach

The Seequalis methodology is based on 4 key steps that can be adjusted according to your objectives. It combines our expertise in ITIL processes and their operational implementation.


Understanding the existing situation and organization

This step enables us to identify the context and the current situation. We then highlight existing strengths and identify improvements to be addressed, while taking into account your reality and your specificities in a systemic way.


Identify quick-wins and target processes

Following this initial picture of the existing situation, simple quick-wins emerge, enabling us to plan almost immediate adjustments. Beyond these quick-wins, the target process is drawn up to identify short-, medium- and long-term actions.


Propose a roadmap for implementation, incorporating workstreams with simple, appropriate milestones

On the strength of the next step, we go into detail about the proposed projects for achieving the target and implementing the process. These projects are translated into a roadmap that allows us to sequence the actions required to reach the target.


Manage implementation, define associated reporting and lead the process

In addition to making recommendations, we are responsible for implementing the roadmap, including monitoring and performance reporting, and orchestrating the process on a day-to-day basis.

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User Services Excellence

Structuring Build to Support

Secure the lifecycle and evolution of your end-to-end services.
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