Defining a customized change management strategy
Your objectives
DEFINING a vision
Projecting your organization towards new operating modes, work methods or digital solutions
Building a change management strategy suited to your challenges, your culture and the profile of your teams
BUILDING a roadmap
Identifying the steps and key success factors of your digital transformation project
Our approach
Our methodology is based on 4 key steps that can be adjusted according to your objectives and combines our expertise in change management, digital workplace and project management.
Immersing yourself in the organization
This phase is essential for understanding the company's culture, assimilating the issues and mastering the project’s objectives
Identifying expectations
The second phase consists in identifying the impacted users’ groups by the change and understanding stakeholders’ motivations / barriers
Defining indicators
An important step in measuring ROI is to define the key indicators that will allow you to measure the impact of the strategy on the organization and to provide a vision before change
Building the roadmap
Finally, the roadmap is validated with regard to the organizational, human and financial impacts, then shared with the teams to start the transformation plan