Gamification: creative solutions for learning while having fun
Business Developer
What if having fun was an effective way to learn? What are some fun, creative examples of gamification?
According to research by the CNRS, curiosity and entertainment help to promote learning and commitment.
To learn while having fun and to create pleasure, Capgemini recommends gamification. This method consists of incorporating game-based mechanisms into non-game environments. This technique has many advantages.
By incorporating the typical characteristics of gaming into a serious or even complex subject, the company encourages its employees to get involved. At the same time, this experience can also develop creativity.
Gamification as a playful principle
Here are some examples of games and creative ideas that many companies have used to share information, train and acculturate their learners.
Making an unusual report, with sketchnoting
In order to make team meetings more dynamic, all employees were trained in sketchnoting. This visual method is an unframed note-taking technique that helps employees to be creative. At the end of the meeting, they vote for the best sketchnote they have made and share it with their entire community.
Becoming an outstanding investigator thanks to the serious game
In the form of a serious game (a serious intention in the form of a video game), the employees put themselves in the shoes of an investigator. In twenty minutes, they find the clues necessary to close the investigation, also allowing them to understand the stakes and the rules applied by their company when it comes to DATA.
Knowing your products by playing cards
In order to train its sales staff on the products and services offered to customers, a company created a game of 7 families, indicating the characteristics and advantages of each of the solutions sold by family.
Illustrating use cases through comics
The comic book format has appealed to many employees as they learn about corruption, conflicts of interest and ethics. Indeed, this quick weekly read covered the main cases encountered by the sales force, which is regularly confronted with these subjects.
Learning as a team through a board game
One team energised its daily meetings by proposing a tailor-made game board, which helped train employees in the AGILE method. This is an ideal mechanism with a twofold reward, since it makes it possible to both unite and train a team.
Becoming an actor and broadcasting your own video in a few clicks
As part of the change management of an internal project, the employees acted as actors and video editors. To do so, they equipped themselves with video editing software that did not require any technical knowledge and unleashed their creativity.
Even though digital transformation poses a major challenge for companies, it is still poorly mastered. Efficient user pathways and creative solutions put digital transformation within the reach of all companies, when they are properly supported.