Business Case 20 December 2021

Define and deploy a community strategy for mutual assistance on tools and uses O365

Leader and manager of the Ile-de-France public transport network, our client employs 71,000 people who serve an average of 8.5 million customers a day.​

The challenges ahead

  • Creating emulation and lasting mutual support between users
  • Providing a new, complementary support channel for users
  • Uniting existing, uncoordinated communities
  • Restoring confidence in tools that have been tried but not adopted

Our approach

1. Define a topic and community positioning to stand out from the crowd

2. Set up a Digital Kiosk to support users, with Chatbot and tutorials

3. Define community strategy, deploy services and animate the community

4. 3 O365 consultants and Community manager

5. 6 months project

Les principaux résultats

Overview of collaborative uses

Development of strategy, solutions and definition of the Community Manager position

Coordination and gradual merger of existing communities, consolidation of assets

Yammer tool adopted by the community (launched with over 2,380 members)

Monitoring tool adoption (satisfaction survey), conducting live workshops on O365 tools

Une question ? Un projet ?


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